Pacing supports peak performance in 2021.

Starting the year, most likely, you have many new intentions, goals and KPIs that you and your team are working towards to. Hopefully, you have had a refreshing break and are now fully recharged and ready to go …may be even very excited to rush to the next milestone. Perfect! 

Let’s pause for a moment.

Here’s a gentle reminder that sprinting during a marathon race might not get you to the finishing line. It will be very exhausting. 

Pacing yourself and your team increases your chances of achieving more for longer.

A couple of weeks ago, I received a reminder of this when I joined a group of six women and two guides to summit Australia’s 10 highest peaks*. We had to carry all our gear (roughly 18kg per person), walk for 12 to 20km per day, endure cold snow, high winds and sunny heat and… most of all walk slowly. Everyone at their own pace. Managing our energy and timings. 

We made it and were more than excited throughout the whole trip. It was an exhilarating experience as a team and for each individual.

Usually, we look at the milestone and goal achievement but not often acknowledge what brought us there. 

The steps in between count. 

Pausing and walking at the right pace that’s adjusted to the context. Accepting that not all circumstances are providing the right environment to success. Sometimes waiting for the right moment and the right people is actually the secret to success. Not everything has to be fast and rushed.

In 2021, remember to act like a PRO.

-       Pause
Stop regularly to become aware of your energy-levels and recharge early before exhaustion sets in.

-       Reflect:
Check what’s going on – in you, in other people, in your environment.

-       Open up:
Practice curiosity and compassion to explore new perspectives on alternative paths.


You can read more about self-awareness and energy management in my book “Naturally Successful”.

Stay patient, stay well, stay connected.

Naturally yours,

